
Showing posts from August, 2017

Hoping for the Best and Preparing for the Worst

I thought it was time to finally update everyone on how baby Everly is doing and what we learned at the appointment with the specialist. Thank you for being patient with me. Although this blog is therapeutic, the topic is extremely heavy and I really think it took me a while to prepare (emotionally) to sit down and write this. Also, her defects are crazy! I don't understand the anatomy of a healthy heart, so to be thrown into this world and have to learn about all of her defects has been very confusing and overwhelming. Okay, so it was Friday, July 28th. Drew, Urban, Roger, and I had flown into Salt Lake THAT MORNING from Columbus, Ohio to get to our appointment up at the University of Utah. We had to leave for the airport around 4:30 AM, so we knew it was going to be an exhausting day. Want to hear something awesome? I literally didn't sleep the night before... I never closed my eyes. I just hung out and watched the time go by. Call it nerves, I guess. I was a complete zombi